Rachel Carson Elementary

Sammamish, WA — I visited another beautiful school today, Rachel Carson Elementary. Look at this cool-looking building! IMG_5114IMG_5115 In the main entrance was a warm greeting: IMG_5118IMG_5119IMG_5120

Here’s a peek at the library:IMG_5117And here’s a bird’s-eye view of one of my presentations:IMG_5126You can see, even from this height, that the students were super-duper listeners! I was very impressed.

Here’s a deer’s-eye view of another presentation:IMG_5151They were very enthusiastic participants! Thank you, dear readers, for sharing your morning with me. I hope you had as much fun as I did!

Thank you, Theresa, for taking these photos!

And thank you, Kathy, for these beautiful flowers! These were waiting for me at my book-signing table:IMG_5158Aren’t they gorgeous? I just love ’em 🙂 !!! Made me want to sign R E A L  S L O W so that I could enjoy them longer — but then I got to take them with me! Wow! THANKS!!!!

And these were also waiting for me — PDKs (Personal Disaster Kits):IMG_5162IMG_5163IMG_5164A couple of mini PDKs:IMG_5165And one for surviving a long car ride?IMG_5166Aren’t they fantastic?!!!

I missed you, third-graders, at the signing, but I hope you enjoyed your field trip to the Real Story of the Three Little Pigs and weren’t too freaked out by it.

Thank you, young readers at Rachel Carson Elementary, for all your enthusiastic support! You ROCK!

And thank you, Michelle, for giving me a ride in your brand-new car after school. It’s fabulous! Don’t park it in the principal’s space, or else! (Read Ruby Lu, Brave and True, to find out why.)

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